God communicates to us in many different ways. How Moses discovered his calling was different from Job, Joseph or Nehemiah. God is so amazingly creative. Today God reveals our individual callings in unique ways, just as He did in the Bible.
God has given each of us an unique message, whether you realize it or not, you embody something power to share with a specific audience and you’re meant to make a certain impact, through a unique task. This is your calling!
Discovering your calling is an integral part of your life’s purpose. Here’s several ways God may be revealing your calling to you:
1. Compassion
When you see a person, group with unmet needs, there may be a strong sense of calling in your heart to serve, or provide a solution to their problem. This could be God moving in the direction of your call. Be mindful of what stirs you.
For example, in the book of Isaiah, God calls the prophet to bring comfort to those who are mourning and to provide for the oppressed (Isaiah 61:1-3). It can be assumed that Isaiah had compassion for the people who were mourning and oppressed. God calls Isaiah to bring comfort to those who are mourning and to provide for the oppressed, which suggests that Isaiah was moved by the suffering of these people and felt a calling to help them. This can be seen as an expression of compassion, as Isaiah was motivated by a deep desire to serve and care for others in need.
2. Natural Gifting
For some it is pretty obvious what they’re called to do. They may be natural athletes, or gifted to sing, write or speak. Sometimes our God-given gifts are so natural they’re hard for us to recognize. This was true for me. For years I didn’t believe I had any natural gifts – I didn’t have any recognizable talents, so I thought. Even if you don’t recognize your gifts, others around you will. DO you have any natural gifts you may not be using? If you are not sure, ask your close friends and family what they believe your gifts are.
A biblical example is King David. He was a skilled musician and a natural warrior, and God used these gifts to make him a great king (1 Samuel 16:13-23)
3. Childhood Dreams
Like Samuel in the bible, God places significant insight in the hearts of children about their future. When I talk about purpose with others, I always question what their interests were as children, big and small. Every element of my calling and purpose I can root back to something I did or was interested in as a child. Back then it may have been just a game or seemingly random but they were always a part of my God-given design.
4. Personal Struggle
I personally see this one often. I find that for many people their call grows out of their personal testimony. When you’ve overcome something, we often tend to want to help others in the same area.
For example, Paul was a devout Pharisee who persecuted Christians, but after his conversion experience, he became a great apostle and preacher of the gospel (Acts 9:1-19).
“God has a purpose for your pain, a reason for your struggles, and a reward for your faithfulness.”
-Rick Warren
5. Direct Revelation
God speaks! God may speak through inner witness, dreams, visions or other ways supernaturally to reveal your calling. This one was me! When I first gave my life to Christ, everywhere I turnt it seemed like perfect strangers were giving me prophetic words about my calling and they all lined up or were similar.
A biblical example is when God spoke to Joseph in a dream and revealed to him his calling as a ruler in Egypt (Genesis 37:5-10).
In conclusion, discovering your calling is a journey of self-discovery and faith. It’s a process of paying attention to the stirrings of your heart, the gifts and interests you have, and the experiences you’ve had. Trust that God is guiding you every step of the way and revealing His plan for you in His own time and in His own way.
Remember, God has a special and unique calling for each and every one of us. Don’t compare yourself to others or feel discouraged if you haven’t found your calling yet. Keep seeking, keep listening, and keep following the nudges of the Holy Spirit. Your calling is waiting for you, and when you find it, you’ll experience a sense of joy, fulfillment, and purpose like never before. So don’t give up, don’t settle, and don’t wait any longer. Your calling is calling – go find it and live it out to the fullest!